
sagittarius November 22 - December 21

Your energy levels may feel slightly diminished on the heels of yesterday's intense Scorpio full moon, dearest Archer, making it important that you show yourself some grace. Use this energy as an excuse to lay low, letting go of any pressure you may feel to respond to text messages, socialize, or impress others. Home will seem particularly restorative when Luna blows a kiss to Saturn later today, while seeking wise advice from a parent or role model can further your sense of security. Consider returning to any passion projects you've fallen off track with tonight when Mercury aligns with the Nodes of Fate.
The Scorpio moon faces off with Jupiter and Uranus this morning, dear Archer, acting as a reminder to break bad habits before they break you. Luckily, Mercury stations direct to elevate your confidence and motivation to be better, propelling your agenda forward. Focus on ways to nurture your creative visions as Luna aspects Mars and Neptune throughout the afternoon, putting you in a dreamy and artistic headspace. You'll perk up this evening when Luna enters your sign, sharpening your perspective and sense of self. Pay attention to any profound thoughts or conversations that manifest tonight when Pluto strips back pretenses.