pisces February 19 - March 20
Push disappointment to the side and allow fresh hope to trickle in, dearest Pisces, as the Gemini moon connects with the nodes of fate and Neptune before entering Cancer. Boost your morale by embracing creative thinking, and consider bringing some extra flair to your aesthetic. A sweet alliance between the sun and Mars encourages fierce authenticity, making it essential that you find ways to brighten the light within. You'll also have a chance to hone natural talents as passions overflow. Your taste for the finer things in life hits an uptick when Luna squares Mercury this afternoon, but avoid abusing your bank account.
Push disappointment to the side and allow fresh hope to trickle in, dearest Pisces, as the Gemini moon connects with the nodes of fate and Neptune before entering Cancer. Boost your morale by embracing creative thinking, and consider bringing some extra flair to your aesthetic. A sweet alliance between the sun and Mars encourages fierce authenticity, making it essential that you find ways to brighten the light within. You'll also have a chance to hone natural talents as passions overflow. Your taste for the finer things in life hits an uptick when Luna squares Mercury this afternoon, but avoid abusing your bank account.