
libra September 23 - October 22

Create new routines that are supportive of your physical and emotional health, dearest Libra, as the Capricorn moon and Saturn align. Even small steps can have a significant impact, so don't pressure yourself to do too much at once. Avoid shying away from the soft comfort loved ones offer when Chiron becomes agitated, remembering that it's okay to be vulnerable. Your spirits elevate once Mercury enters Aquarius, especially when you engage with hobbies, close friends, or art. Challenge the limitations you've placed upon yourself later tonight when Luna aspects Mars Rx and Uranus, revolutionizing the way you view yourself and success. 
Make a vow to unapologetically nurture your heart, mind, and body, dearest Libra, as the Capricorn moon aspects Venus and the nodes of fate. The steps you take now to improve your wellness game will have a way of sticking, so don't hesitate to invest in your best life. Make time for play as afternoon rolls in, and Luna enters Aquarius, bringing extra fun to your lunchtime adventures. Your mind sharpens when the moon joins forces with Mercury and Pluto later today, helping you shed outdated notions so you can feel in sync with your surroundings and the modern world.