
libra September 23 - October 22

Allow yourself to peel back the layers, reveal intimate truths, and go deep, dearest Libra, as the Aquarius sun and Pluto unite. Applying these sentiments toward creative outlets will be particularly profound, giving you a chance to steal the spotlight without faking who you are. Friendships also flourish under these cosmic conditions, though you may need to take the first step in strengthening these bonds. Sharing secrets or deep desires can help you take the dynamic further, especially once the moon enters Scorpio. Just be mindful to watch your intensity levels and hold a steady space when Luna squares the sun and Pluto. 
As the Scorpio moon and Jupiter form an unbalanced connection, you'll begin to reflect on the harmony within your relationships. Trust your intuition when it comes to making judgements about others, but remember to maintain a sense of compassion and understanding. Your manifestation skills also benefit from these vibes, especially when your intentions are pure and rooted in good will. Strengthen your ability to make big things happen by getting organized this evening once Luna blows a kiss to responsible Saturn, asking you to take accountability for what your heart desires. Combine self-care and spirituality before heading to bed when Luna connects with healing Chiron.