leo July 23 - August 22
Your social battery could feel low this morning, dearest Leo, as the Gemini moon squares the nodes of fate and Neptune before entering sensitive Cancer. Rather than forcing yourself to put on a sunny face, look for opportunities to be alone. Embracing quiet will give you a chance to reflect on your commitments and how they are serving you. Meanwhile, a helpful connection between the sun and Mars gives you the motivation to invest more enthusiastically in people and situations that offer empowerment and personal growth. Do something to honor your spiritual connections when Luna squares Mercury this evening.
Your social battery could feel low this morning, dearest Leo, as the Gemini moon squares the nodes of fate and Neptune before entering sensitive Cancer. Rather than forcing yourself to put on a sunny face, look for opportunities to be alone. Embracing quiet will give you a chance to reflect on your commitments and how they are serving you. Meanwhile, a helpful connection between the sun and Mars gives you the motivation to invest more enthusiastically in people and situations that offer empowerment and personal growth. Do something to honor your spiritual connections when Luna squares Mercury this evening.