leo July 23 - August 22
You'll take up space without trying to, bold lion, as the Sagittarius moon dramatically expands your aura. Your ability to charm others shifts into high gear, and it'll be easy to push creative or collaborative agendas forward. You may find yourself blushing later today when Luna blows a kiss to Venus, bringing heated and flirtatious vibes your way. If you've had your eyes on someone special, now is the ideal time to ask them out. Just be sure to keep it cool when Saturn becomes agitated, or you could come across as intense or pushy. Lay low during tonight's quarter moon to avoid unwelcome drama.
You'll take up space without trying to, bold lion, as the Sagittarius moon dramatically expands your aura. Your ability to charm others shifts into high gear, and it'll be easy to push creative or collaborative agendas forward. You may find yourself blushing later today when Luna blows a kiss to Venus, bringing heated and flirtatious vibes your way. If you've had your eyes on someone special, now is the ideal time to ask them out. Just be sure to keep it cool when Saturn becomes agitated, or you could come across as intense or pushy. Lay low during tonight's quarter moon to avoid unwelcome drama.
The universe loves you for exactly who you are, dearest Leo, and so do those around you! As the Sagittarius moon and Chiron form a supportive connection, find more excuses to be yourself, leaving anyone who can't accept your uniqueness in the dust. Unfortunately, the mood could head in a strange direction when Neptune becomes agitated this evening, and you'll want to be on guard for shady behaviors and false intimacy. Your practical eye sharpens when Luna enters Capricorn this evening, helping you get a clear read on your situation and those who fill it. Take some time to be alone with your thoughts while staying busy when Mercury and Mars align tonight.
The universe loves you for exactly who you are, dearest Leo, and so do those around you! As the Sagittarius moon and Chiron form a supportive connection, find more excuses to be yourself, leaving anyone who can't accept your uniqueness in the dust. Unfortunately, the mood could head in a strange direction when Neptune becomes agitated this evening, and you'll want to be on guard for shady behaviors and false intimacy. Your practical eye sharpens when Luna enters Capricorn this evening, helping you get a clear read on your situation and those who fill it. Take some time to be alone with your thoughts while staying busy when Mercury and Mars align tonight.