
cancer June 21 - July 22

The Virgo moon forms a harsh square with Jupiter this morning, dearest Cancer, bringing a cerebral and potentially overwhelming energy your way. Give yourself space to digest new information as it arises, and be mindful to take small moments for solitude when tensions rise. Your mind finds harmony once Mercury activates, making it easier to laugh, connect, and love. Matters of the heart also benefit from this cosmic climate, encouraging you to flirt and find adoration. Bring a philosophical twist to your Friday afternoon plans once Luna aspects Venus and Saturn, absorbing the wisdom of loved ones and peers. 
You'll thrive within social situations today, dearest Cancer, as the Virgo moon aspects Uranus, Mars Rx, and dreamy Neptune. Chemistry will be easy to build upon, helping you forge soul bonds with friends, mentors, and romantic partners alike. Find a partner with whom you can collaborate on big dreams while the sun aligns with the nodes of fate. Call on your higher power for additional assistance and guidance when Mercury, Venus, and Saturn connect, meditating on your goals while asking for divine aid. Do something cozy at home this evening once Luna enters Libra and your solar fourth house.