
aries March 21 - April 19

The Gemini quarter moon will test your critical thinking skills, dear Aries, making it essential that you avoid jumping to conclusions. Reverting to patterns you've fought to break could also be an unwelcome side effect, so try to be intentional with the decisions you make. Spread positivity when Chiron stirs later this afternoon, looking for opportunities to boost morale and heal strained relationships. Try not to pry when Luna squares Saturn this evening, as it would be easy to overstep without realizing it. Keep the mind occupied with a healthy activity such as reading or journaling before heading to bed. 
Find ways to clear the mind and nurture your spirit this morning, sweet ram, as the Gemini moon squares the nodes of fate and Neptune before entering Cancer. This highly emotional lunar placement softens the heart, making it essential that you keep supportive and compassionate company. Meanwhile, the sun and Mars form a supportive aspect, stirring up a refreshed sense of motivation from deep within. If your passions have been neglected, now is the time to reinvest in creative expression and personal interests. Tensions rise when Mercury stirs tonight, and you'll need to watch your heart/mind connection to stay balanced.