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Le FORUM, Vol. 34 No. 3
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“I would want you bending toward me.” The first poem in Jim Bishop reads ends with “grass” and, in that way, generous- ly with Whitman and a tradition he ...
Double Issue: Special Section and Varia
EDITORIAL CONSULTANTS. Rédouane Abouddahab (Le Mans Université), Jochen Achilles (University of Würzburg),. Michael Basseler (University of Giessen), ...
... like function least sight attention contradiction set principle attached remarks aware later opposites anything logical move taking say moment self contrary ...
The Collected Works of Paul Valery
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I suffered in leaving all this, in 1884 when we went to live in Montpellier. There, the playgrounds were like wells. The classes at Cette were so small that I ...
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Labé, Louise, 1526?–1566. [Works. English & French. 2006]. Complete poetry and prose : a bilingual edition / Louise Labé ;.
Sketches of the History of Man, vol. 2 | Online Library of Liberty
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Written late in his life, this 3 volume work deals with the idea of human progress. Vol. 1 deals with progress in property law, commerce, the treatment of ...
Manet's Sources: Aspects of his Art, 1859–1865
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Reff has interpreted Manet's use of Titian's Venus d'Urbino in the Olympia in similar terms, adding: “In choosing to identify himself, even if somewhat ...
Translating the Poetry of Cécile Sauvage: Love and Creativity in ...
Sep 15, 2022 ... Fannish translation would be like making one's way through a maze that one ... Sauvage's choice of genre, too, may have been a conservative one.
Sep 18, 2014 ... This thesis explores visual and embodied representations of the practice of cross- dressing in Haiti, Martinique, Guadeloupe and diasporic ...
Yeats's Mask - Yeats Annual No. 19
... you or your use of the work). Attribution should include the following information: Warwick Gould (ed.), Essays in Honour of Eamonn Cantwell: Yeats Annual ...
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