Modernizr: the feature detection library for HTML5/CSS3
It's a collection of superfast tests – or “detects” as we like to call them – which run as your web page loads, then you can use the results to tailor the ...
Download modernizr.min.js or get a CDN url for 15 versions of modernizr.
Modernizr Download Builder
postMessage jquery plugin. By: Ben Alman. More Details. W3C Spec. Proximity API. Proximity API. By: Cătălin Mariș. Description.
Loading Scripts Using Modernizr... Not Working - Stack Overflow
Jan 18, 2012 ... UPDATE: Modernizr.load has been deprecated in version 3.0 in favour of using YepNope.js directly. It's worth noting that Modernizr.load just ...
Modernizr/Modernizr: Modernizr is a JavaScript library that ... - GitHub
Modernizr tests which native CSS3 and HTML5 features are available in the current UA and makes the results available to you in two ways: as properties on a ...
Modernizr | Using Browser Feature Detection | HTML Goodies
Aug 4, 2011 ...Modernizr uses JavaScript object detection to discover if a ... I would call it something like “modernizr-2.0.6.min.js” as I did here:
modernizr - Libraries - cdnjs - The #1 free and open source CDN ...
modernizr. Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user's browser. 25k. GitHub · 0 vulnerabilities.
Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network | Microsoft Docs
Oct 13, 2021 ... For example, you can start using jQuery which is hosted on this CDN simply by adding a <script> tag to your page that points to ajax.aspnetcdn.
HTML: HTML5 Boilerplate · GitHub
For optimal performance, use a custom Modernizr build: -->. <script src="js/libs/modernizr-2.0.6.min.js"></script>. </head>.
modernizr - npm
Aug 17, 2021 ...Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user's browser.. Latest version: 3.11.8, last published: 6 ...
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