I ask the parents to expel such natsapites from schools, to boycott those so-called individual schools. Teachers who poison your children with extremism! - Gia Abashidze on the organizers of actions in schools

Primetime.ge 1 month ago 34
I ask the parents to expel such natsapites from schools, to boycott those so-called individual schools. Teachers who poison your children with extremism! - Gia Abashidze on the organizers of actions in schools
I ask the parents to expel such natsapites from schools, to boycott those so-called individual schools. To the teachers who are poisoning your children with extremism, writes analyst Gia Abashidze on the video broadcast by Imedi TV, where a person organized rallies near one of the schools and psychologically abused students. According to Abashidze, the fascism of pseudo-liberals...
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