The weather is changing dramatically - see the forecasters' warning 1 month ago 45
The weather is changing dramatically - see the forecasters' warning
On Wednesday, November 13, strong wind is expected in western Georgia, and fog and rain are expected in the east. without precipitation. Eastern wind 10-15 m/s, strong 17-22 m/s is possible in some places during the day. Air temperature: +17, +22° in the plain; +15, +20° in the mountains; +13, +18° in the highlands. In eastern Georgia - cloudiness will increase with time. Rain in some places, snow and fog in the mountains. East wind 10-15 m/s. Air temperature: +7, +12 in the bar; +7, +12° in the mountains; In the highlands +1, +6, in some places up to +12°.
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