What the OSCE/ODIHR wrote in the final report of the 2016 US elections - the secrecy of the vote was not always guaranteed, the pre-election campaign was accompanied by a high degree of partisan infighting

Primetime.ge 10 hours ago 9
What the OSCE/ODIHR wrote in the final report of the 2016 US elections - the secrecy of the vote was not always guaranteed, the pre-election campaign was accompanied by a high degree of partisan infighting
Several previous recommendations of the OSCE/ODIHR have not yet been implemented at the level of the law, and there are still some gaps in the legal framework: for example, deprivation of the right to vote in various territories, restrictions on the voting rights of those convicted of criminal law and violations of the secrecy of the vote, - regarding the 2016 US presidential elections. ..
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